The Care and Maintenance of Chimneys

Many people enjoy having a fireplace in their homes. Some are a main source of heat, others are a place to build a fire and then spend some quality family time in front of it, and sometimes the area in front of a fireplace is a romantic location just for two. However, there are safety precautions that must be taken to prevent a warm cozy fire from becoming a house fire. One of the most important things to know is how often should you clean a chimney.
The ancient Romans placed tubes inside of walls to drew smoke out of their bakeries, but the first actual chimneys arrived in Europe during the 12th century. The first chimney sweeps appeared during the medieval period. Unfortunately, it was fairly common for entire towns to burn down once every few decades back then.
In modern times, homeowners with fireplaces should ask themselves, “how often should you clean a chimney?” Experts recommend cleaning the chimney at least once per year. It is important to have your chimney inspected by a professional every year. If you have a chimney, it is possible to clean it yourself, but it is a messy job and one that it is important to complete properly. It is usually recommended that you hire a chimney sweep to clean it instead of doing it yourself.
It has been estimated that nearly 15,000 home fires per year are the result of creosote fires. Most of those could have been prevented if they chimney had been cleaned properly. The use of chimney liners and knowing how often should you clean your fireplace chimney can help prevent creosote fires from happening in your home.
Well that is one job that I do not think I would ever attempt to do myself. Not only does it sound crazy messy, I would probably get stuck in there like the Grinch.