How Exactly Does Vision Therapy Work? – Health Advice Now

Additionally, it can aid athletes to improve their performances. John Abbondanza, Dr. John Abbondanza, explains how vision therapy can help you.

Vision therapy starts with easy exercises , which gradually become more difficult. This is the natural process to learn. Every new ability is an opportunity to learn more challenging activities. Eye exercises do not just help improve your vision, however, they train your brain. Your brain doesn’t stop learning.

Each person’s exercise program is different for each individual. They are designed to test patients, but do not discourage them. Aim is for that patient to finish the exercise with success in at least 80% of the time. It is possible to acquire peripheral vision in a matter of minutes without thinking. You can do it automatically.

In-person exercises may include studying an eyechart and bouncing using a device that resembles a hippty-hop as well as catching rings on your arms, one-armed juggling, and being on a balanced beam that is low while you swing one of the balls at the ends of an elastic rope.

Vision therapy is only meant as a temporary fix to help improve visual skills. utia299uq6.